There is no algorithm to detect movement, technique, tension, and speed to the second with regards to personal information.
Athletes don’t have an efficient way to measure their vitals that can help them achieve and maintain their optimum performance. Coaches and the players don’t have the tools to pin-point errors ‘exactly’ in the game. There is no form of direct connectivity between different devices, athletic trainers, coaches, doctors, nutritionist and the athletes.
Adobe Illustrator - Adobe Photoshop - Adobe Aftereffects - Overflow- Figma - Sketch - Principle - Rhino - Keyshot- Solidworks
Our team worked on a ten-week design sprint on a topic of our choosing. We, as a team, wanted to tackle a unique problem that was close to our SCAD community's hearts. After interviews, observational research, primary and secondary research, we decided on designing for upcoming athletes that don’t have access to medical specialists, trainers and highly advanced vital monitoring systems.
Lead the research using qualitative research techniques. Collaborated to create the digital interface and visual identity.
To gain an understanding of our topic, we began our journey by visiting and observing college and high school athletes. We followed their daily routines, meals, training, and attend their games. We also noted the behavior of those people around them like their friends, loved ones, trainers and coaches.
The observations helped us better understand the correlations amongst the physical and active status of the athletes. We were able to understand them and found out how each athletes stamina and performance differ from each other. We came to realize that we could not create a generalized solution of one size fits all.
Through our research, we were able to draw insights into various fields and topics. We realized that current apps for health tracking are redundant and un-efficient. Although video analysis tools are a good starting point for coaches and athletes, they are prone to user errors. With the technological advances we have there is no proper way to track nutrient intake and know what nutrients are lacking in real-time.
There are a lot of sport improvement tools available, but few that focus on working on maintaining the best performances that the athlete already has and improving through building upon them.
The secondary research also helped us generate industry diagnosis, competitor map, opportunity map and SWOT analysis. We also gained insights to where and how to do field visits, observation research and generate questionnaires.
Athletes don’t have an efficient way to measure their vitals that can help them achieve maximum performance.Coaches and the players don’t have the tools to pin-point errors ‘exactly’ in the game. There is no form of direct connectivity between different devices, athletic trainers, coaches, doctors, nutritionist and the athlete
“It is not just about being able to see the mistakes, but instead being able to explain how to improve them.”
“ You need to know your body well, and you need lots of experience to maintain the top performance”
“All athletes are different. There is no one specific way athletes should practice.”
The interviews helped us understand our user and generate personas.
Their pains and gains helped voice our affinitization process and frame solutions.
We then began to condensing and separating the problems spaces into categories. This made us better understand the opportunity spaces
The most valuable insights we gathered from our secondary and primary research were regarding the importance of technique and nutrition.
Most athletes want to improve and sustain their game and technique.
However, they often don't have the knowledge or resource to find out how exactly to improve. Proper nutrition and overall health were significant to most athletes.
Furthermore, they never knew the nutritional state of their body and found methods that were supposed to help them to be more time consuming and annoying.
Capture information that enables the athlete to visualize their nutritional and techniquel state. Providing them with the ability to improve and sustain their optimum performance.
Technique— The goal of focusing on technique to enable the athlete to perform more consistently at their optimal level of performance. We want to male athletes to understand their movements, allowing them to make changes and prevent injuries.
Nutrition— The goal of focusing on food is to all athletes to understand their bodies and the needs of their bodies. We want to create a tool that allows athletes to visualize what is in their bodies at the moment.
Visualization—The goal is to enable athletes to visualize their nutritional and technical state transparently and efficiently.
Opti uses a IOT connectivity between physical devices and apps to analyze, learn and convey information through visualization. This enables the athletes to be able to learn and understand their bodies in a more holistic and efficient manner.
A drone that captures and analyses the athlete's technical state, a mouthpiece that captures their current nutritional state through saliva analysis, and an app that visualizes the information. This enables the athlete to improve and sustain their optimum performance.
Opti Piece is your personal nutritionist, providing you with real time information about the current level of nutrients in your body. Opti Piece does this with the use of saliva analyzing technology which can detect what nutrients are in your system.
The outer layer is built out of a malleable polymer, which stays firm after it has been molded. The inner layer is made out of a soft gel like silicon. This special silicone molds perfectly to the individuals teeth, providing comfort and stability. Paired with our special coating that is saliva slip resistant, one can be sure that the Opti Piece will fit comfortably and securely.
Is a small, lightweight analyzing companion that orients itself around its user to capture a multitude of angels.
The body is cased in an aluminum shell for durability and has AI capabilities to analyze and communicate through IOT your optimum technique.
Opti uses visualization to connect virtual and physical platforms. Opti is distinctly separated by color into nutrition and technique. This enables the user to understand and process information in a more efficient manner.